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Claremore, OK Real Estate, Homes For Sale, School & Area Information

Claremore Oklahoma is a charming small town located in northeastern Oklahoma. Home to Rogers State University, 这个城市为各个年龄段的居民提供了各种各样的文化和教育机会. The downtown area features unique shops and restaurants, while nearby lakes and parks offer outdoor recreation.

Claremore Area Insight

  • Dara Sullivan
    RE/下载巴黎人贵宾厅app Results
    历史:Claremore位于印第安领土上最初的切罗基民族的中心,目前是罗杰斯县的县城,位于88号高速公路的十字路口, Highway 20, and Historic Route 66. 小镇的名字来源于一位奥塞奇印第安酋长的名字,他的村庄在19世纪初的一场战斗中被摧毁. 该镇的历史包括大西洋和太平洋铁路在19世纪80年代初进入该镇,后来加入了堪萨斯和阿肯色河谷铁路以及密苏里太平洋铁路. 1919年,俄克拉何马军事学院成立,1937年,工程进步管理局开始建造罗杰斯县法院,该法院至今仍在使用. 一些城镇的建筑和住宅被登记为国家历史名胜,比如威尔·罗杰斯酒店, The Belvidere, and Mendenhall's Bath House. 罗杰斯州立大学现在坐落在俄克拉荷马州军事学院的旧址上. 通过克莱莫尔地区和公共卫生服务处(印第安医院)向社区提供医疗服务。. 包括林恩·里格斯在内的许多克莱尔莫尔市民都获得了名望和财富, Stuart Roosa, and Patti Page. 但克莱尔莫尔最出名的可能是俄克拉荷马州最受欢迎的儿子威尔·罗杰斯的家乡. 威尔·罗杰斯纪念博物馆位于罗杰斯州立大学附近,自豪地展示了电影纪念品和罗杰斯的一些原创作品.

    Things to Do: Claremore features a beautiful lake for fishing sports, walking trails, and a splash pad for kids of all ages! Nature lovers will also love the Claremore Mountain Bike trails! If you're not an outdoor enthusiast, 你可以去威尔·罗杰斯纪念博物馆看看,里面摆满了电影纪念品和威尔·罗杰斯的历史. 或者你可以去JM戴维斯武器和历史博物馆看看,那里有世界上最大的私人枪支收藏和其他有趣的物品,比如美洲原住民的遗物, animal horns, and musical instruments. 如果你喜欢赛马,你可以去蓝丝带场看看,那里的刺激一定会让你热血沸腾. Claremore has plenty of retail amenities to keep your pantry stocked, your family clothed and holiday gifts purchased. During the Christmas season, 市中心会举办《巴黎人贵宾厅》,这是一个圣诞节日,节日颂歌一定会让所有的购物者高兴!

    Population and Schools: Claremore currently boasts a population of over 18,000名市民和一个学校系统,该学区在俄克拉荷马州排名第17位.nice.他还报告说,学生与教师的比例是15:1,他们的整体学区成绩是B+. According to Niche, the district is also ranked #30th in the state for athletes.

    通勤时间和当地工业:许多克莱莫尔市民在建筑行业找到工作, manufacturing, and healthcare within the community. For those who commute to Tulsa for work, 在金融等其他行业工作的平均通勤时间为31分钟, administrative, or oil and gas can be found. Overall, Claremore is a self-sufficient town with grocery stores, retail stores, banks, a post office, 还有许多服务行业,如汽车修理和家庭装修或承包业务.
  • Are you ready for summer swimming? The Claremore Recreation Center pool is now open for swimming. Opened in 1999, CRC是一个大型和现代化的娱乐设施,为孩子们提供一个奥林匹克标准的游泳池和浅水区. You do not need to be a member or a resident of Claremore to enjoy this facility. Open Monday through Sunday, the CRC has a lot to offer. For more information, google Claremore Recreation Center.
  • 对于通勤者来说,克莱尔莫尔离塔尔萨足够近,但又足够远,给人一种小镇的感觉. 这里有很棒的学校和家庭活动,是一个叫家的好地方. Come check it out.
  • If you visit my photos, 你会看到我在克莱尔莫尔著名的66号公路上拍摄的一张很棒的照片. I love trains! The blaring horns, ding-ding-ding of the crossing guards flashing red, the rumble of thousands of pounds of rolling steel, 即使是创造性的涂鸦和城市艺术作品,以及机车经过时发出的嘎吱声,也能唤起我内心的孩子.

    When a train is coming I roll down my windows and take it all in. All that being said, 我不住在克莱尔莫尔,那里的人口不断增长,火车给住在那里的市民带来了不便. 城市和铁路一直在共同合作,为每个人找到解决方案. 这是格林县农村地区持续发展和扩张的一部分.

    Most residents will tell you that it's all part of living in the city, 有些人甚至说,你已经习惯了,甚至几乎没有注意到火车经过了. 还有一些人则对不断的麻烦感到沮丧,因为他们不得不等待火车驶过,这样我们才能继续忙碌而富有成效的生活. I see both sides of the story. I took the train picture with my Nikon D7000 camera. It's an older model, but still does a great job.
  • While there may not seem like much to do in Claremore, 这个县提供了很多机会,不仅可以玩得开心,还可以了解这个地区的一些情况. 克莱尔莫尔有威尔·罗杰斯纪念馆和出生地,弗兰克·菲利普斯故居和吉布森堡. Claremore also offers shopping at the Ne-Mar Shopping Center, the Claremore Plaza, and Plaza Shopping Center.
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about Claremore.
    Claremore, OK
    Claremore, meaning "mountain with a clear view,它的名字来源于一个叫做“Gra-moi”的奥塞奇酋长,他是该地区最早的定居者之一. The city has been incorporated with the Cherokee Nation since 1883, since the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
  • The town Claremore was named for the Osage Indian chief "Claremore". 酋长住在附近的一个村庄,这个村庄在1817年的克莱尔莫尔高地战役中被摧毁了.

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